My Bookkeeping Guy

Client Intake

2019 Client Intake Form (#2)

Complete only applicable fields. Please skip sections if we already have your info from prior tax filings.

*** New Clients—Please provide us a copy of your prior year tax returns and depreciation schedules. ***






Tax Client Income and Expense Questions

Please Provide Us Your Form 1095(s) In Order to Complete The Health Insurance Mandate Tax Forms.
Please Let Us Know if You:

  • Had More Than $10,000 in a Foreign Bank Account at Any Point During 2018
  • Had Non-Cash Foreign Assets Exceeding $50,000 in Value at Any Point During 2018
  • Invested in Bitcoin or any other Cryptocurrencies in 2018 or prior years

The below checklist provides basic information. There very well could be more information needed to be supplied. For situations that are beyond the information provided below, please make sure detailed notes are provided to assist the preparer in determining the proper way to account for the situation. Missing information will delay the processing of the return.


Please check the box to the left for any of the following that apply. If not leave blank. If checked, please provide a brief explanation below if the information will assist the preparer in any way. (Note: Please check for you AND your spouse)




ESTIMATED PAYMENTS (Please fill in if Estimates were made or refunds from a prior year were applied.)


2. Any taxes due will be paid by check along with Voucher provided by tax preparer. It is the taxpayer's responsibility to mail payments before tax due dates.

Special Information for the Tax Preparer

Tax Client Home Office Deduction Info

Fill out completely or mark "N/A". Do not leave blank.

Deduction Expenses (Current Year)

Other (please specify type and amount):


If yes, please provide a detailed depreciation schedule below.

Additional Forms

If you are not required to submit a Schedule A, Schedule C, or Schedule E, you may skip this section and proceed to the Next.

Fill out COMPLETELY or mark "N/A". DO NOT leave blank. Include any back-up documents.

Medical Expenses (Current Year)

Tax Expenses - LIMITED TO $10,000 (Current Year)

Interest Expense (Current Year)

Contributions (Current Year)

Casualty & Theft Losses

If you had any casualty or theft losses during the year, please provide detail below, including date, description, amount of casualty or loss, any insurance reimbursement & basis in the property.

Fill out COMPLETELY or mark "N/A". DO NOT leave blank. Use a separate Worksheet for EACH Schedule C.
** Please Note: If possible, it is preferred a Trial Balance, P&L and Balance Sheet be provided by the client. They may be uploaded in the Client Portal.

Business Info (Required for all)

For the Business Code box below, click here for a reference of available codes accepted by the IRS. Use the code that best describes your business.

General Questions (Required for all)

Vehicle Information

Income Questions

Cost of Goods Sold (Required if no P&L or Trial Balance Available)

General Expenses (Required if no P&L or Trial Balance Available)

Fill out COMPLETELY or mark "N/A". DO NOT leave blank. If you have multiple properties, you will need to upload separate worksheets for EACH property in the Client Portal.

Income (current year):

Property Expenses (current year):


Depreciation (please provide detailed schedule). New assets placed in service this year:

Two Forms of ID Required For ALL Returns

By my signature below, I hereby authorize the use of this identification above to electronically file my federal tax return according to IRS Publication 1345.

Sign Here
Sign Here